Wildhouse Publishing submissions open through January and February each year. Some years we create an additional submission window in September. We do not publish Gen-AI works, or Gen-AI-assisted works. Visit wildhousepublishing.com to understand the kind of books we seek.

The Wildhouse Fiction 2024 Contest goes live on Submittable.com on September 1, 2024. Check back then to submit. See https://wildhousepublishing.com/ for details.

Nonprofit indie press Wildhouse Publishing receives submissions for the Wildhouse Publications (nonfiction) imprint through this form. Submissions should be resonant with the Wildhouse Publishing commitment to bringing transformative spiritual insights to readers for whom traditional religious expressions may not fit.

Your nonfiction submission should include the following information:

  • Tell us about your book. Give us the title, a one-sentence summary, a 100-word back-cover summary, a one-page summary, and a detailed description and annotated table of contents in enough detail for us to understand what your book accomplishes. If you have one or two sample chapters, be sure to include them.
  • Tell us about you. Who are you? What is your story? What makes you the right person to speak to your audience? We want to get to know you!
  • Tell us about your audience. Be specific about your book’s target audience: who are they and how will you reach them?
  • Tell us about your platform. Help us understand how we will work together to get the word out about your book. Tell us about your social media platform and how you plan to connect with potential readers to promote your fabulous book.

Please format your proposal in Microsoft Word, double-spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman, with one-inch margins on 8.5″x11″ (Letter-size) pages. Send us a single document containing the entire proposal and sample chapters in Microsoft Word (DOCX) format. We advise you to take Jane Friedman's advice and use something like her nonfiction proposal template; she is speaking our language, and her nonfiction proposal template hits all the right themes as far as we're concerned.

Nonprofit indie press Wildhouse Publishing receives submissions for the Wildhouse Fiction imprint through this form. Submissions should be resonant with the Wildhouse Publishing commitment to bring transformative spiritual insights to readers for whom traditional religious expressions may not fit.

WHP seeks full manuscripts for fiction. We want a cover letter that (1) describes your platform as a novelist, (2) summarizes the book, (3) specifies the audience you are trying to engage, and (4) tells us how you plan to reach that target audience.

Please format your proposal in Microsoft Word, double-spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman, with one-inch margins on 8.5″x11″ (Letter-size) pages. Send us a single document containing the entire proposal and sample chapters in Microsoft Word (DOCX) format.

Nonprofit indie press Wildhouse Publishing receives submissions for the Wildhouse Crossings (nonfiction) imprint through this form. Submissions should be resonant with the Wildhouse Publishing commitment to bring transformative spiritual insights to readers for whom traditional religious expressions may not fit.

Your nonfiction submission should include the following information:

  • Tell us about your book. Give us the title, a one-sentence summary, a 100-word back-cover summary, a one-page summary, and a detailed description and annotated table of contents in enough detail for us to understand what your book accomplishes. If you have one or two sample chapters, be sure to include them.
  • Tell us about you. Who are you? What is your story? What makes you the right person to speak to your audience? We want to get to know you!
  • Tell us about your audience. Be specific about your book’s target audience: who are they and how will you reach them?
  • Tell us about your platform. Help us understand how we will work together to get the word out about your book. Tell us about your social media platform and how you plan to connect with potential readers to promote your fabulous book.

Please format your proposal in Microsoft Word, double-spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman, with one-inch margins on 8.5″x11″ (Letter-size) pages. Send us a single document containing the entire proposal and sample chapters in Microsoft Word (DOCX) format. We advise you to take Jane Friedman's advice and use something like her nonfiction proposal template; she is speaking our language, and her nonfiction proposal template hits all the right themes as far as we're concerned.

Wildhouse Publishing